EQ 300


Category: Injectable Steroids
Package: 10 ampoules (300mg/ml)
Substance: Boldenone undecylenate (Equipose)
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma


EQ 300 is an injectable anabolic that contains Boldenone Undecylenate (Equipoise). The drug is a derivate of testosterone and has strong anabolic and moderately androgenic properties. Bodybuilders use EQ 300 to achieve slow, but steady and quality growth of muscle mass. It has the property to stay in the human body for several months after the drug use. EQ 300 by Dragon Pharma increases nitrogen retention, protein synthesis, stimulates appetite and the release of erythropoietin in the kidneys.
EQ 300 is especially efficient in cutting phases to improve density and hardness of the muscles. Boldenone Undeclynate steroids are less effective for mass building cycles, but are much more effective in increasing the strength. It is recommended to use EQ 300 in cutting phases with a non-aromatizable steroid such as Trenbolone Acetate, Halotestin or Winstrol. At the end of each cycle, a combination of HCG and Clomid/Nolvadex is required. Average Dosage: men 400-600 mg per week, women – 50-150 mg. The usual duration of the cycle with Equipose is about 8 – 12 weeks. Side effects: oily skin, acne, increased aggression and hair loss, sleeplessness, chills, vomiting, diarrhea and hypertension and typical virilization effects for female athletes.

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ボルデノンウンデシレン酸塩-エクイポイズ 300mg

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